Tuesday 13 December 2011

Dry Winter Lips

I know I speak for a lot of us when I say that winter is the worst time for dry skin and lips. Over the years, I've mastered a way to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of having to constantly wear gooey chapsticks.
To prevent it in the winter, you must practice it year round.
The first thing is, NEVER LICK YOUR LIPS! I know it feels like you need to, it's like an itch, but you must resist!
Next, is make sure you're getting rid of dry and dead skin daily. There is a couple ways to do this.
If you don't want to spend much time on it you can always use a wet toothbrush(before or after you brush your teeth) and just scrub your lips back and forth horizontally.
A home recipe is sugar or sea salt mixed with half a teaspoon of honey. You scrub your lips with this mixture and then wipe off with a warm face cloth.
My personal favourite is from LUSH cosmetics and retails at around $8.95. It is the bubblegum lip scrub! They have many more flavours and you can lick it off when you're done!
The only ingredients are castor sugar, vegan flavouring, and jojoba oil.
Okay, so now that you've scrubbed your lips, you want to apply some sort of honey based or beeswax chapstick. I know everyone reaches for the cherry or any other fun flavour but trust me, those wont get you results.
Not only will the lip scrub rid your mouth of dead and dry skin, but it will open the pores to absorb the chapstick. In my experience, Burts Bees and Nivea chapsticks work the best.
All the best on your journey to kissable lips!

My first post on a new blog

Today while scrolling through my tumblr dashboard, I realized my love/hate relationship for it. It is amazing and inspiring and everything else, but I feel I get sort of lost in the pictures and feelings and everyone elses entries and such. All this brought me to blogger where I wont be following anyone, just paying attention to my own posts, posting what I want and what I have come up with. I hope for this blog to stay originally ME.
That being said, there is no theme for this blog. I will most likely write journal-esque entries about my day/events that take place, reviews or rants about products (makeup, beauty, etc.), interior design ideas, DIY projects, food/cooking/recipes, holiday specials, fashion, and much much more.
I think you get the idea that this blog will consist of everything and anything and you can expect to see something new everyday (hopefully).
Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy your visit! :)