Tuesday 13 December 2011

My first post on a new blog

Today while scrolling through my tumblr dashboard, I realized my love/hate relationship for it. It is amazing and inspiring and everything else, but I feel I get sort of lost in the pictures and feelings and everyone elses entries and such. All this brought me to blogger where I wont be following anyone, just paying attention to my own posts, posting what I want and what I have come up with. I hope for this blog to stay originally ME.
That being said, there is no theme for this blog. I will most likely write journal-esque entries about my day/events that take place, reviews or rants about products (makeup, beauty, etc.), interior design ideas, DIY projects, food/cooking/recipes, holiday specials, fashion, and much much more.
I think you get the idea that this blog will consist of everything and anything and you can expect to see something new everyday (hopefully).
Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy your visit! :)

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